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License for national transport and transportation of individuals in a taxi.
Required documents
The sole trader is obliged to fill in the necessary form for the license for national transport and transportation of individuals in a taxi and submit it along with the required attachments.
Where to submit the documents
City Office in Błonie, Office for sole trading, Błonie, Rynek 6 Str. Ground floor, room7 tel. no. 22 7253004 int. 112
For granting a license for national transport and transportation of individuals in a taxi in the Błonie Community, one is charged the following:
200 PLN: when the expiry date is from 2 to 15 years,
250 PLN: when the expiry date is from 16 to 30 years,
300 PLN: when the expiry date is from 31 to 50 years.
The payment should be wired to the bank account of the City Office in Błonie with the indication of the appropriate title of the payment: payment for the license.
The form and the attachments to the form are free of charge.
Dates and ways of payment
The license is granted or denied within a month from the day of the submission of the form with all the necessary attachments.
The road transporter is obliged to report in print any amendments in the data submitted to the appropriate entity, which granted the license, no later than 14 days since they were implemented. If the amendments refer to the data incorporated in the license, the sole trader is obliged to report a document requesting the amendment of the license content (art. 14 of the Bill on Ground Transportation as of September 6th 2001. (Journal of Bills from 2007, No. 125, pos. 874 with later amendments).
Legal basis
Act of September 6th 2001 on Ground Transportation (Journal of Bills from 2007, No. 125, pos. 874 with later amendments).
The regulation of the minister of infrastructure as of December 4th 2007 on the payments of administrative activities in relation with the performance of road transportation as well as the testing and granting of professional competences certificates (Journal of Bills, No. 235, pos. 1726).
Appellation procedures
One can appeal as to the decision of granting or denial of the license to the Municipal Appellation Committee via the Mayor of Błonie.
The appellation must be submitted within 14 days since the delivery of the decision in the City Office in Błonie, room no. 7 (town hall – ground floor)
Submission of the appellation is free of charges.