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Required documents

A natural person can commence sole trading after having submitted a form to the Central Register of Information and Information about Sole Trading conducted in the tele-informatics system conducted by the Minister of Economy.
Presently the compulsory document necessary to complete the registration process in establishing sole trade is the CEIDG-1 form – a submission for entry to the Central Register of Information and Sole Trading is necessary: Show page

The CEIDG-1 at the same time serves as way of reporting amendments in the CEIDG Register, as well as information on suspension, recommencement, or termination of the sole trading activity.
The CEIDG-1 form has the following attachments:
CEIDG-RD – additional types of sole trading
CEIDG-MW – additional places of sole trade performance
CEIDG-RB – information on bank accounts
CEIDG-SC – participation in sole trading companies
CEIDG-PN – granting representation
Instructions on how to fill in the form are available at:Show page

Where to submit one’s documents
In order to register or report amendments, the suspension, recommencement, or terminationof sole trading performed by a natural person, one should choose one of the following procedures:

  • Log in to CEIDG, fill in the document online and submit it electronically (people who possess an electronic signature with a qualified certificate or a confidential profile);
  • Log in to CEIDG, fill in the document online, print it and submit personally to a chosen municipal office (necessary ID);
  • Without logging in to CEIDG, fill in the document online print it and submit personally to a chosen municipal office (necessary ID);
  • Take, fill in and submit a hard version copy of the document in a chosen municipal office, where the office transforms it into an electronic entry and adds all the data to CEIDG (necessary ID);
  • Send the document by registered mail to a chosen municipal office, but the sole trader’s signature or his representative’s must have a deed confirmation.

The CEIDG-1 form for natural persons performing sole trading is at the same time:

  • A form requesting entry to the national register office of the national economy entities REGON
  • An identification entry or an update to the main officer of the revenue office NIP
  • A declaration of the choice of the taxation form with an income tax for natural persons
  • A declaration or an amendment of the payer shares to ZUS
  • A declaration about the continuation of the social security for farmers.

For more information and online forms go to the CEIDG website:Show page

Dates and ways of payment
The municipal office transforms the form into an electronic document no later than 1 working day after having received it. The form requesting entry to the Central Register of Information of Sole Trading is free of charges.
Officer for sole trading
Joanna Gmyrek
Room no. 7 (town hall – ground floor)
Tel. no. 22 7253004 int. 112
Legal basis
Act as of July 2nd 2004 on The Freedom of Economic Activity (i.e. Journal of Bills 2010 No. 220, pos.1447 with future amendments)
Appellation procedure
The Minister of Economy is the evidence entity.
The activity of the municipal office is connected to accepting the dosument, transforming it into electronic form and sending it to CEIDG, and is a material and technical activity, which does not stand any appellation procedures.
Finding companies operating in the Błonie Community.
In order to find a company operating in the Błonie ommunity, one needs to go to the link below and browse the companies one is mostly interested in:Show page
